Tuesday 16 April 2013

Response To Classic Literature Being Replaced By 'Informational Texts' On The US Curriculum In The Future

Here is the article from The Telegraph that I am responding to:


Dearest Editor of The Telegraph,

I cannot express my discontent after reading this article.  I think if I was to miss out on reading all that great literature that I was exposed to as a child, and now as an adolescent, I wouldn’t be as creative and overall intelligent as I am today. Without the literature I read in class I feel my over creativity will be hindered. I feel like this could be one of the stupidest decisions on the government’s part to make a change in school. I cannot imagine knowing people in my age group that don’t know who Boo Radley is, or knowing anything about classic literature. It would make this world a very dull one to live in.
I understand that they are preparing us for the outside world, but what about the market for the books! Authors will be out of jobs because people will not be used to reading from a young age. It will make school that more uninteresting to those that already dislike it. While a book can capture an entire class’ attention a manual comparing types of insulation definitely will not. 

                                                                                  A Concerned Canadian,
                                                                                                               A V A B


  1. I agree with this post, text books are boring for students and they also already have to read them in their classes, so they should get a time to be creative and imaginative in English class. The students should get a say in this matter, instead of the board of educators simply enforcing these new rules without seeing the backlash that it would get.

  2. I agree too with this post. It would be a terrible thing to read manuals instead of literature in class. Literature gives you opportunity to use your imagination. They are also a lot more fun than textbooks and manuals.
    I just don't think that it would make our world a dull one, but maybe our english class :D

  3. I think we take our fiction in English for granted. There's plenty of kids who whine and complain about having to read about this dude who just wanders around New York for a couple days, but they just don't what they could be reading. There's no way to get emotionally invested in an insulation manual. It's sad that we don't know what we have until it's gone.
