Monday 22 April 2013

Free-write: I write to... (22/04/13)

I write to let my feelings out and be creative. Sometimes it's easier to put a pen to paper or finger to key than to put words to my lips. Sometimes there's no one to talk about your feelings or to find the right person suited to talk about these things to. It provides an escape where you can write up a character that can be the kind of person that you wish you could be, but cannot. Writing allows me to use my dreams as inspiration for stories, just as I could with paintings. It allows me to create a world that is more interesting than the one I live, more perfect or more flawed. It allows me to tell stories that never happened but I wished happened. In writing I can be whoever I want, or can take myself out of the picture for once. Writing allows for reflection, and allows for me to get my emotions out. I have the opportunity to write whatever I want and not be criticized, because no one but me will ever know if it's based off of fact or fiction. Writing allows for an absence of judgement of your own true character; a character could just be a character or he or she could be an outlet for allowing your deepest feelings out.


  1. Agree with your saying of "it's easier to put a pen to paper or finger to key than to put words to lips". We sometimes are too shy to tell how we feel and how we think face to face. But it will be easier and looks not that indirect to write our emotion out. It's not hiding ourselves but still a way to share our emotion.

  2. No one can judge your writing. It can be personal and private, and that's why I think it's easier to talk to a pen than a person. It makes a lot of sense when you put it that way. Writing is an excellent way to sort out thoughts and emotions, especially complicated ones you don't really feel like sharing with those close to you.

  3. I often write for the same reasons that you have stated. Sometimes, when you don't know who you can trust with your problems, the only person you really feel like writing to is yourself. It's good that writing is your method of releasing your emotions instead of another method that could be negative or harmful. I really like how you said a character can be an outlet for your feelings, and I definitely agree.

  4. Like you, I find it easier to write my thoughts down on paper rather than say them out loud. I find myself nervous and shy to share how I feel with others. Sometimes the best therapy can be writing your thoughts down on paper. I look forward to reading your future posts :)

  5. Hi! I really enjoyed reading this post on your blog. I agree that writing is an escape from the outside world. Sometimes when I have an idea or a thought, I do not know how to voice it and who to voice it to, because I do not know what people's reactions will be. For this reason, I also write short stories. Aside from writing stories, I think music and lyrics are another personal form of expression. This is why I used to write cheesy songs as a young child; because I had a very wild imagination and did not know what to do with it :)
    Your blog is awesome and inspiring! I'd love for you to check out my blog,
