Thursday 18 April 2013

Lightbulb Moments: A Reflection On My Education

          Over my years in high school I have learned quite a few things. One thing that came to me rather recently, and I do not know exactly how to explain it, is that something made me feel connected and as though I have grown since I entered high school.

           At the beginning of high school I was worried that I would never "connect" to many people, however at my house dinner (an event my residence holds at least once a year) I asked a friend of mine what were his plans for the upcoming break and after he answered my question he said that although the break was going to be short he would miss me and some of the other guys from our residence. This hit me hard because at the beginning of high school I would have never in a million years thought I would affect someone that was younger than me's/ someone that wasn't in my initial close friend group's life. It showed that my efforts to be outgoing have worked, as well as that I have learned many social skills in high school. It also made me feel like I was apart of family. This, however, is what many people say about my school but only now do I know it's true.

          Another thing I learned was that the teachers at my school actually care for us and they're at our school for more than just a job. This was proven multiple times over through my high school career. Life at my school has made me a better/well-rounded person. It has educated me in a way that has allowed for growth as well as to feel connected to the outside world. It's helped me socially, not only with people my age but as well as with adults. Overall my education has taught me more things than I ever initially thought possible.


  1. I could not agree with you more, I understand how tough it could be to make new friends and become part of this family at Ridley. In my experience, it helped to join extra-curriculars and participate to my fullest. I met people and became friends just by having fun, doing sports or activities. I am happy that I am at this closely knit school because we are all a community.

  2. Friendship, what a beautiful word it is. I can deeply feel how you felt when your friend told you that he would miss you. Well, as a boarder in the school, especially an international student without families company, friends are my second family. For me, the best thing in the school is that I can get true friendship.
